Friday, March 27, 2009

How Effective Journalism Can Improve a Resort's Success

An important part of journalism, is knowing your audience and understanding how to appeal to the mass media. This relates to the success of a business because without the support of the public, a business will always fail. For example, a way to appeal to the audience could be to show prospective customers, instead of simply telling, all the wonderful things that your resort has to offer. An audience will react to something that sparks their interest because they can relate to it.

Always remember to recognize who your audience is. If you aren't aware of who you are talking to, the odds of capturing their attention is against you. The writing styles of teenagers, parents, families all fluctuate and so should a writer as the audience changes.

Another aspect that is crucial to any resort, is press releases. In brochures and information about the resort, it is important to use credible sources. It will have a bigger impact to have a great review about the resort written by a world-renowned travel agent than a past customer who once stayed at the resort.

For more tips, visit this website:

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